Swivel Chain stopper

Swivel Chain stopper

Swivel Chain stopper

The role of chain stopper :

A.let chain flat positionon the wheelB.preventthe declineof chain C.fixedanchorchaintensionspread tothe hullD.makebeautifuldesign.

Anchor devices abandon the role of the chain:

A. make the end of the anchor fixed B.make chain not in chaos C.quickly disengagement chain and facilitate in case of emergency D.easy maintain anchor chain overhaul

Hi-sea Group supply all kinds of chain stopper .Quality management and product strict according to IACS requirement.

We are looking forward to establishing good relationships with you in near future.

Process:casting, forging, welding,casting

Provide CCS,ABS,BV,LR,DNV,etc certificate

Material:Cast iron, cast steel.

Withstand 80% of Chain Cable's breaking load

Swivel Chain stopper .jpg
Dia of chain B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 b b1 c d1 d2 weight
22-26 280 104 40 94 76 84 20 35 190 250 25 90
28-32 310 118 45 114 92 90 25 40 210 320 26 122
34-38 360 134 50 136 110 105 30 45 250 320 30 163
40-44 420 152 55 160 128 120 35 50 290 400 34 238
46-48 480 172 65 186 145 130 40 60 330 400 36 353
52-58 550 192 75 214 166 150 45 75 380 400 40 518
60-66 640 212 85 250 190 170 50 90 440 500 40 722

Component mainframe bas pintle screw roller handle
Material AG230-450 Q235-A #35 #25 ZG230-450 Q235-A


Our mail: manager@hiseamarine.com

Society certificates

Hi-Sea Group-Obtained-certification