CB/T 3143-99 Cable Clenches Anchor Chain Releaser

CB/T 3143-99 Cable Clenches Anchor Chain Releaser

CB/T 3143-99 Cable Clenches Anchor Chain Releaser

Anchor chains releaser is the device in case of sudden danger emergency abandoned anchor ship.

Anchor chains releaser handles are stored outside the cabin, without cutting off the chain to the separation of the anchor chain and hull, also does not need the personnel to enter the chain store tank, used on board ship encountered when improving the safety factors of sudden danger. Anchor chains releaser and chain store bulkhead welding, and the end link fastened. End link cab by the human release, because the operating handle just in stored outside the cabin. In the storm or the storm, when the chain will have a huge tension, and anchor at the end of the stopper plate rupture or shedding, anchor in the non-control state swing back and forth, when considering the force may give the hull damage caused and endanger the ship, we should use the Anchor chains releaser to abandon the chain.

Cable clenches anchor releaser CB 3143-99 .jpg

Dia of
A A1 A2 A3 A4 B B1 B2 B3 H H1 H2 D D1 L t t1
52 50-52 466 102 400 68 146 398 346 332 250 175 63 110 54 80 266 14 20
56 54-56 501 112 435 74 146 486 434 420 300 180 70 125 58 90 301 14 25
60 56-60 541 122 475 80 163 516 464 450 300 185 75 135 62 95 326 14 25
64 62-64 546 137 480 84 173 546 498 480 400 220 82 140 66 95 330 14 25
68 66-68 568 144 500 88 176 572 516 504 400 230 86 150 70 95 339 16 25
73 70-73 604 148 536 94 187 608 558 540 400 246 90 168 75 95 364 16 25
78 76-78 638 162 570 102 197 644 596 570 450 248 94 168 80 95 388 16 25
84 81-84 698 168 630 108 210 688 636 620 450 250 102 185 85 100 434 16 28
90 87-0 730 178 668 116 225 740 686 670 500 280 110 200 90 100 462 18 28
95 92-95 770 188 700 124 257 780 730 710 500 288 110 200 95 100 457 18 28
102 97-102 824 188 750 132 276 784 730 710 500 315 130 210 100 110 498 22 28
111 105-111 886 222 810 142 286 786 730 710 500 370 130 260 110 110 531 24 30
120 114-120 906 248 830 156 286 786 730 710 500 380 170 270 112 110 566 24 36


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