HZ Steel Sheet Pile
HZ Steel Sheet Pile:
Steel sheet pile is a service-proven type familiar to both designers and constructors, which is extensively used for permanent structures, temporary earth-retaining works and temporary cofferdams, etc.In addition to its rigid structure, its moment of inertia per pile is relatively large, thus allowing repetitive use.
All of our sheet piles according ASTM A 328, ASTM A 690 standards
The H/Z wall is a combined system incorporating:
- HZ king piles as structureal supports,
- Z sheet piles as intermediary elements,
- The HZ king piles fulfil two different structural functions:
- retaining menbers for soil and hydrostatic pressures
- bearing piles for vertical loads
All combinations are based on the same principle: structural supports comprising 1 or 2 SLH king pile sections alternating with intermediary double SLZ sheet pile sections. The intermediary sheet piles have a soil-retaining and load-transferring function and may be shorter than the SLH primary piles. Depending on the structural combination and steel grade adpoted, bending moments up to 9000kNm/m can be safely resisted.
Cofferdam(land); Cofferdam(Water); Low embankment; Deep foundation pit; Shallow underground excavation; Light-duty Sea Use; Heavy-duty Sea Use; Underground water quality control. etc.
Project Cases:

Society certificates