Marine Submerged Pump

Marine Submerged Pump

Marine Submerged Pump:

The pump integrates widely acclaimed features such as small size, light weight, easy to move and installation, compact structure, high safety and reliability etc. The pump is basically applicable to marine emergency survival system, and removal of accumulated water in the cabin.
CQX40-15-3 pumps must be submerged when running, motor pump is not allowed to run under no-water state; For the others, their motors are allowed to conduct no-water running due to their patterns of cooling for motors, which are conducted by water flowing through the interlining of motor casing.

Designation of CQX marine submerged motor pump

CQX x-y-z

CQX -- Marine submerged pump

x -- Water discharge (m3/h)

y -- Head (m)

z -- Motor power (kW)

Performance parameters of CQX marine submerged motor pump
型 号Type 流量Capacitym3/h 扬程Headm 功率PowerkW 转速Speedr/min 电压VoltageV 效率Efficiency% 出水口径Diameter of dischargemm 重量Weightkg 外形尺寸(mm)External dmension
CQX40-15-3 40 15 3 2900 380 60 60 45 见外形图shown in theexternal figure
CQX30-20-4 30 20 4 2900 380 52 50 65 φ249 613
CQX40-15-4 40 15 4 2900 380 50 50 65 φ249 613
CQX65-15-5.5 65 15 5.5 2900 380 69 85 100 φ317 725
CQX250-15-18.5 250 15 18.5 2900 380 69 150 205 φ385 920

There was a fire hydrant, collocated a water pipe (10 meter or 20 meter) on the pump outlet about the standard ordonnance. The cable was long 20 meter.

Consumer could add speak for the pump inlet fire hydrant and pipe, the inlet filter connected pump with screw thread, it could be removed and installed a fire hydrant, then connected to the inlet water pipes.


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Hi-Sea Group-Obtained-certification