Marine Steel Weathertight Door
Marine Steel Weathertight Door
Used for doorway of superstructure above freeboard deck or deck house to meet ISO 6042-1998
1. Class of door and application
A-Front bulkhead on the 1st deck above freeboard.
B-Front bulkhead on the 2nd deck above freeboard and back & side bulkhead on the first deck.
C-Front bulkhead on the 3rd deck above freeboard and back & side bulkhead on the 2nd deck.
D-Bulkhead on the 4th deck and the above, back & side bulkhead on the 3rd deck.
2. Type and specification of door
3. Type AF, AY steel weathertight door
AF- marine square corner steel door (level A)
AY- marine round corner steel door (level A), radiused corner steel door
Level A steel door test request: it should pass the hose test with nozzle diameter 12.5mm and water pressure 0.25MPa.
4. Type BF, BY, CF, CY steel weathertight door
BY- marine square corner steel door (level B)
BF- marine round corner steel door (level B)
Level B steel door test request: It should pass the hose test with nozzle diameter 12.5mm and water pressure 0.25MPa.
CY- marine round corner steel door (level C) CF- marine square corner steel door (level C)
marine round corner steel door with fixed window (level C) marine square corner steel door with fixed window (level C)
Fixed steel round window can be installed on level C steel doors, with diameter 250mm, code G.
Level C door test request: it should pass the hose test with nozzle diameter 12.5mm and water pressure 0.25MPa.
5. Type DF, DY steel door
DY- marine round corner steel door (level D) DF- marine square corner steel door (level D)
marine round corner steel door with fixed window (level D) marine square corner steel door with fixed window (level D)
Fixed steel round window can be installed on level D steel doors, with diameter 250mm, code G.
Level D door test request: it should pass the hose test from top to bottom, without water pressure requirement.
Society certificates