Auto Cylinder block
Auto Cylinder block:
Cummins: 6BT, 6CTA, 6BTA, 6BTAA, 4BT,
Mitsubishi: 4G64, 4G54, 4G63
Kia: B3E
Toyota: 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 1RZ, 2RZ, 3RZ
Isuzu: 4JB1, 4JB1t
Engine block: Cummins 4BT, 6BT, 6BTAA, 6CT, NT855
Toyota: 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, B3E,
Mitsubishi: 4G54, 4G64,
Caterpillar, 3306, 3408,
Deutz: F4L912/913, F6L912/913, F8L413 etc.
Cylinder head:
Audi: 1.8l (B2)
Bedford: weight 59kg.
Buick series.
Cherokee: 498q
Chrysler: 488
Cummins (cylinder blocks, cylinder heads): 6ct, 6bt, 6bta, 6btaa, 4bt.
Caterpillar: 3208,3304 pc, 3306 pc, 3306 di, 34083406di, 769b (engine 9m3677, p/n: 9s5545) (cylinder block: 3306)
Deutz (cylinder heads, cylinder blocks): f6l912, F6L 913, f8l413 , F3L 912/913, F4L912/913
Detroid: PT471, PT671, S60.
Ford: 1.6l, 1.8l, 2.3l.2.5l.
General Motor: GM6.5L, V8, M465 carburetor and electrical injection.
Honda: 1.6, 2.2l (12100-pob-a00)
Isuzu: dh100, 6bb1, 4jb1, 4jg2, 4jg2t, 4ja1.4bd2t.
Iveco (cylinder heads cylinder blocks): 307
Jata: 20 valves 1.8l, 1.8g.
Kia: B3e, 1.3l.
Komatsu: 4d130, 6d95, 6d105, s6d125
Kubota: L2000, L2202, L2800.
Mitsubishi: 4d56 4d30, 4d30a, 6db10p, fk102, t653, 4g54. 4g64, 4g63, 6g72.
Mazda: R2, G16B.
Nissan: sd23, z20, z24. id2.3
Peugeot: 504, 505
Styer: Wd615
Santana: carburetor2000, 481q. 02026 103 373a, 048 103 353f, 06b103 35, 058 103 373d.
Suzuki: f8a, gla(ta), f10a, f8b, gla(ta), 1000 tx(sk410) ta,
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