Air Transfer Fire Damper
Air transfer fire damper are designed to shut off openings for air transfer in fire resistance walls and ceiling slabs,whether the openings are reliable and approved is decided by the building control authority,either individually or as part of the entire fire protection scheme.
The air transfer fire dampers consist of:
1)The type of air transfer fire damper with general building inspectorate licenceZ41.3-321.
2)Smoke detector type RM-0-3-D with general building inspectorate lincence Z78.6-125.
3)Spring return acutor 24V AC/DC or 230V AC with two intergrated limit swithes.
4)Cover grilles on both sides.
5)The type air transfer fire damper are tested to DIN4102 and EN1366-2,The local legal regulations and the licence must be complied with.
6)Approved installations are in and on the face of solid walls and ceiling slabs,in gpysum wallborads,in lightweight partition walls and in lightweight fire walls.
7)The fire
resistance class of this type air transfer fire damper depends on the
installation application.
Installation Drawing:
Air Transfer Fire Damper:
Society certificates